
Today we turned in our paper.  I was a little upset Brendon did not finish it till this morning and nobody got to see it before it was printed and ready to be turned in.  I trust his work but still would of liked to see it.  I feel it is really good and looked great.  We need to work on the presentation and make sure we have a good script prepared because you could tell the group that did not today.  Still kinda sick too and not sleeping great through the night and it sucks.


Worked on the project more today wrapping it all up.  Meeting was a little disorganized but we accomplished a lot of what we needed done.  We have a good group who seems to have done very good work.  Brendon was a no show again had other work he needed to do instead.  Being sick is killing me on wanting to stay up and get work done lately.  We still have to work on the presentation which I do think some of our group members may not be very strong at, because they did not do very well  in the interviews also.

Blog 1

I wanted to write my blogs on here 1 to use this since I have not for a couple years, and 2 so it is not completely public to my group.  I am so far impressed with my group.  I am feeling a sort of lack of leadership on Brendon’s part and a great job by Shelby for stepping up so much and being on top of this project.  I feel that so far I may not have contributed a ton, but at the interview felt to me that I was the most comfortable in the situation.  I have had only 1 issue so far, during the first consultation, the group leader was on his laptop and was on Facebook during that time.  


I really liked what I have heard so far about our company and what I had to hear when I was there.  I enjoyed hearing that an accounting firm does not have to be so mundane and can be fun and involved in the community, getting away from such strong red and blue mentalities.  They seem to have a very strong culture and community.  Seems like a place I would not mind submitting a resume or at least learn more about it.  


I had a rough Halloween and I am really upset that all of my notes from the consultation and meeting with the company were stolen, along with some of my other possessions after the window to my car was broken and my backpack was taken.